4/8/2020 Covid-19 Update – EIDL Discussion and Lehigh Valley Updates
9:55 AM:
Two points
- Wells Fargo has opened the doors again – capital limits raised.
- Has anyone who filed for EIDL 10k grant had feedback AND received the funds yet? 3 days was promised but I want to know what reality is.
PS … For CFO Forum participantsin the Lehigh Valley, our April session on alternative legal services models will be held in June. Date to be determined. Our May sessions are still scheduled. Third Tuesday (May 19th) will be on employee development and use of external coaches. Plan to bring your CEO or HR peer. The special session on Friday, May 15 on the R&D tax credit updates will be held. RSVPs are needed so we can plan. I misstated the changes. Changes were made in 2019 BUT the last year is 2021. I incorrectly stated that the credit expired in 2019. Either way now is a good time to implement it if you have taxes to pay for 2019. Get the credit done for several previous years as well as 2019 and keep your cash!
11:55 AM:
Some of you asked about the 3 day promise for EIDL. I heard from about a dozen of you and no one has received a dollar yet. Thanks for you who shared your experience.
Hopefully, PPP works a little better (or they will have to push back the June 30 endpoint).